We all want to stay young and beautiful as long as possible so that the signs of aging do not affect us. Especially the person. Of course, no one can hide from time: this is a natural process to which all living beings, without exception, are subject.
Age-related skin changes cannot be completely stopped. But they can be slowed down and the signs of aging made less noticeable. And essential oils will help us with this.
Which oil helps best against wrinkles, which essential oils are suitable for human skin at different ages? How to use them correctly to get the greatest effect? We will talk about all this in our article.
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What types of wrinkles are there?
Wrinkles on the face are the most obvious and unpleasant sign of old age and aging skin. The first wrinkles may appear after 25-30 years. Although at this age they are mainly associated with dehydration and dryness. Let's take a closer look at the mechanisms of skin aging.
Mechanism of wrinkle formation
Under the influence of external factors (ultraviolet radiation, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, chronic stress, lack of sleep) and natural processes, our skin loses its elasticity and actively loses moisture. Over time, the body produces less and less hyaluronic acid, which keeps water in the dermal tissues. As a result, facial skin becomes drier and more sensitive to negative external factors.
Collagen and elastin fibers (proteins that play the role of a frame) struggle with their supporting function less and less over time. They partially glycate, becoming brittle and hard, and partially degrade completely. The remaining fibers are not enough for the skin to remain as elastic and smooth as before. It literally sags, and age-related wrinkles appear.
The main reasons for the formation of wrinkles on the face:
- Natural changes associated with age.Reduction in the production of elastin and collagen, hyaluronic acid, gradual thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer.
- Gravity.Elastin and collagen fibers also gradually flow under their own weight due to gravity. The oval of the face becomes so clear that it "floats".
- Ultraviolet damage.Exposure to the sun or solarium without protective equipment, which leads to dehydration, damage to skin structures, activation of oxidation processes and early aging.
- Bad habits.Smoking and lack of walks in the fresh air cause problems with blood circulation and tissue nutrition. When smoking, the skin "burns" and comes into contact with combustion products - increasing oxidative stress. Visually, the skin of smokers appears darker and rougher.
- Incorrect or inadequate nutrition.Strict diets lead to nutrient deficiencies. Sudden weight loss, when the skin does not have time to "Reduce" and sags.
- Active facial expressions.A characteristic of emotional people, it causes spasms of small muscles. In this way the creases of the skin are fixed.
- Increased or decreased tone of the facial muscles.When the facial muscles are always relaxed or, on the contrary, tense, for example, during work (the fold between the eyebrows, squinting of the eyes), this results in a change in the position of the tissues and the appearance ofeven wrinkles. at a young age.
- Dermatological diseases, allergic reactions.Atopic dermatitis, for example, results in dehydration and reduced elasticity, depleting the skin's resources.
As you can see, we can influence most of the causes by changing our habits and lifestyle. It is much easier to delay the appearance of wrinkles than to eliminate them. So, let's find out what types of wrinkles there are.
Types of wrinkles
Wrinkles are divided into groups according to different criteria: depth of occurrence, degree of intensity, localization or mechanism of formation. The following types of wrinkles are distinguished:
- on the forehead;
- brow;
- "crow's feet";
- "bunny wrinkles";
- nasolabial and nasolabial;
- purse string;
- "puppets";
- mental moment;
- "Rings of Venus"
If everything is clear with wrinkles on the forehead, between the eyebrows, nasolabial and nasolacrimal wrinkles, then we will talk briefly about the features of other groups below.
- "crow's feet"called wrinkles located around the eyes. These are thin superficial folds that appear to diverge in different directions from a single point. Because of this feature, which resembles goose feet, they get their name.
- "Rabbit Wrinkle"- small folds that form on the side of the nose. From the back of the nose they go at an angle towards the cheek. Such folds are typical for people with active facial expressions, who often laugh, wrinkle their nose, and turn their eyes. Then the facial expression somewhat resembles that of a chewing rabbit.
- "Puppets", or grief lines, run in a straight line from the corner of the lips down to the chin. The reason for the appearance is constant pressure on the mouth muscles (pursed lips). Like the slots on a marionette doll.
- "Wrinkle a purse string"go from the nose to the upper lip. They look like a bag or a tight pouch, and that's why they got their name. They usually appear in adults.
- "Rings of Venus"- folds in the form of horizontal stripes on the neck. They look like deep pits and appear due to the weakness, lack of elasticity of the neck muscles, which are no longer supported by the skin. In addition to sleeping on high, uncomfortable pillows, always tilting the head forward - and unattractive wrinkles gradually appear on the neck.
How to fight wrinkles?
Let's move on to the most interesting and important - methods that will help against wrinkles on the face and other signs of early aging. There are already many of them in humanity's arsenal. Everyone can choose a method that suits their taste and budget:
- anti-aging procedures in the office of a professional cosmetologist (plasmolifting, botulinum toxin injections, etc. );
- facelift and plastic surgeon;
- special regular use
anti-aging cosmetics (face creams, masks, serums) at home; - facial lifting classes, facial fitness (gymnastics for the face against wrinkles);
- anti-aging massage;
- take specialized complexes of vitamins and minerals;
- use essential oils.
All these methods are effective in the fight against age-related changes. To make it sustainable, you need to rethink your whole lifestyle: eat right, stop sweets, exercise regularly and walk in the fresh air, give up bad habits, sleep 7-8 hours a day, learn to copewith stress.
Later in the article we will take a closer look at the best essential oils to prevent and eliminate wrinkles depending on age. The potential of this product in the fight against age-related changes in cosmetology is great, but not everyone knows about it.
the best essential oils for facial wrinkles

What are the benefits of essential oils to combat age-related changes in facial skin? Firstly, they have a beneficial effect on the limbic system of our brain, which is responsible for emotions. Secondly, the benefit of essential oils is that they affect the skin at the cellular level. This is because the molecules of the active substances in oils are very small and lipophilic, they easily penetrate the structures of the skin and have a modulating effect on processes.
The best carrier table and essential oils to fight wrinkles
Base/Essential Oil | Basic properties | Age |
primrose | Protects against the first wrinkles, helps normalize hormonal levels, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. | 30+ |
borage | Indispensable for problematic skin and atopic dermatitis (allergic reactions). It reduces irritation, dryness and flaking, restores the barrier function of the epidermis, stops moisture loss. It slows down age-related changes, has a powerful regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect. | 30+ |
Currant | It effectively restores, removes peeling and inflammation, suitable for dry skin. It helps fight pigmentation and has a whitening effect. | 30+ |
Macadamia | A great oil for dry, chapped, dehydrated skin. Essential to take care of the face, knees and elbows in autumn and winter, can be applied to the eyelids. It has a pronounced restorative and deep nourishing effect, delays aging and fading. | 30+ |
Avocado | Protects against UV rays, prevents the first wrinkles, nourishes deep tissues, prevents them from being dehydrated, accelerates the healing of small wounds. Suitable for oily, combination and dry skin, normalizes the sebaceous glands. | 30+ |
Jasmine | Even out complex, flaking and dryness is removed. Suitable for problematic, inflammation-prone and oily skin. | 40+ |
Himalayan Cedar | Powerful antioxidant effect and proven anti-allergic effect. It makes skin texture smoother and activates regeneration processes. | 40+ |
Lavender | Effectively fights photoaging and helps with sunburn. Soothes irritated skin and accelerates healing. | 40+ |
Incense | It increases elasticity, eliminates inflammation, and is actively used for anti-aging care. Healing accelerates. | 40+ |
A myth | Smoothes out fine wrinkles, slows down degenerative processes, and effectively restores chapped skin. | 40+ |
Jojoba | Excellent as a combination base, it is very stable, controls both excess and deficiency of sebum. | 50+ |
Neroli | It increases elasticity and fights tissue sagging. | 50+ |
Rose | It helps to saturate with moisture, stimulates renewal, relieves inflammation and swelling, protects against negative external factors. | 50+ |
Lemon | Lightens, removes age spots, tones, balances complexion. | 50+ |
Sandalwood | It fights well against sagging and dry skin, making wrinkles around the eyes less noticeable. | 50+ |
Immortelle | Collagen synthesis increases, the condition of the vascular wall improves. | 50+ |
The division of oils by age is more than arbitrary. They are selected according to their tasks. It can also be used at a young age. Essential oils are not hormones. They normalize the function of the skin without causing addiction and influence various processes. Therefore, these oils can be used at any age.
After 30 years
At this age, the skin copes with its barrier function and does not retain moisture as well. The stratum corneum becomes thicker, and the layer of living cells decreases. The first wrinkles are visible, including "crow's feet" in the sensitive area around the eyes. This is the time when the formation of folds and creases in the skin can be successfully prevented if you choose the right care, eat right and have a healthy lifestyle.
To prevent the appearance of facial wrinkles, we recommend including the best essential oils for age 30+ in your individual care program:
- currant;
- primrose (evening primrose);
- borage (borage, borage);
- avocado;
- macadamia.
The first 3 oils from this list are particularly important. Due to the presence of gamma-linolenic and other fatty acids in these oils, they effectively stop moisture loss, fight flaking, relieve inflammation, and accelerate tissue restoration.
Avocado and macadamia oils are very useful for dry skin care. They deeply nourish it, soften it, make it smooth and elastic, smooth out small wrinkles caused by dehydration and metabolic disorders. Avocado and macadamia oils are considered essential oils. They can be used in their pure form, in the form of an oil serum under a cream, or by making creams and masks on their own.
If at this age you already have circles under the eyes and swelling at this age, you can use anti-wrinkle essential oils with lymphatic drainage, vascular strengthening effect (geranium, fennel, immortelle, etc. ).
After 40 years
At this age, the skin accumulates more and more age-related changes. The number of collagen and elastin fibers decreases by about 1% per year. The dermis' ability to retain moisture continues to decline, and less and less hyaluronic acid and other glycosaminoglycans are produced.
These processes occur in the deep layers of the dermis, so they are much more difficult to deal with than wrinkles at an earlier age that arise due to insufficient hydration. Many substances are unable to penetrate tissues located far from the surface of the skin.
The list of essential oils for wrinkles over 40 years old is quite long. The most common oils are:
- jasmine;
- lavender;
- Himalayan Cedar;
- fragrance;
- myrrh
Monarda facial oils and radiago provide a resonant lifting effect. Traditionally, the widely used frankincense and myrrh work to increase elasticity.
After 50 years
The use of phytoestrogens is strongly recommended for mature skin care. Because with the onset of menopause, the female body ceases to produce estrogen independently, which protects the skin from aging. Anise and fennel oils can be tried in mixtures and homemade creams in short courses. But with a warning.
Due to estrogen deficiency, the number of collagen and elastin fibers decreases even faster (by 2% per year instead of 1% over the same time at age 40+). The skin becomes thinner, the volume and density of the facial bones decreases, which also leads to sagging of the epidermis and the appearance of folds.
If you took good care of your face, protected it from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, ate right and led a healthy lifestyle, then by the age of 50 the condition of your skin will be much better than beforeby those who did not accept. quality care care.
Measures aimed at maintaining normal blood flow in the tissues of the epidermis, strengthening blood vessels, as well as active moisturizing, protection from UV rays, and the use of oils to support the skin at this age help. The most effective broadcasts for people 50+:
- immortal ;
- neroli;
- roses;
- sandalwood;
- lemon (as an extra, to improve complexity).
How each of these oils work is detailed in the table above. Oils from previous age groups are also used, especially esters from resins (myrrh, frankincense).
Using essential oils for wrinkles
Now, let's talk about how to properly use essential oils to fight age-related changes in appearance and prevent wrinkles. These simple suggestions will help you get the most out of natural ingredients.
Key rules
Let us remember that essential oils are concentrated plant extracts. Therefore, you must use them carefully, observing the basic rules and precautions.
- Esters may cause skin irritation. Therefore, it is forbidden to use a new oil for facial care without doing a sensitivity test first. To do this, dilute 2 drops of ether in a teaspoon of essential oil. Apply a drop of the mixture to the crook of your elbow and wait at least 24 hours. If after a day there are no signs of irritation at the site of the application, you can use it safely.
- Many essential oils have contraindications. Some of them are prohibited for use by pregnant women, asthma patients, and other serious problems. Therefore, please read the instructions carefully before buying.
- Do not apply undiluted essential oils to your face. In the worst case scenario, you can develop an oil intolerance over many years.
- Only natural essential oils are suitable for fighting wrinkles. The use of synthetic substitutes may worsen the skin condition.
- For the skin around the eyes, esters can be used exclusively together with essential oils or as part of other home cosmetic products (creams, masks) and only in a reduced percentage (1 drop per 10 ml of essential oil). During the application, care must be taken to ensure that the oil does not get on the mucous membrane.
- You need to choose the type of essential oil for wrinkles and a specific recipe, taking into account not only your age, but also your skin type.
- You should not use combinations that include more than 4 types of essential oils. Complex the mixture gradually, using a mixture with one ester for one week, adding another oil the next week, etc. And not 4 types at the same time. Otherwise, it will be difficult to find the culprit in case of a negative reaction.
- It is best to change the set used every month. This way the effect will be brighter and more varied.
Application methods
Essential oils can be used for anti-aging care in a variety of ways. You can use one specific type of ether, but the best effect can be achieved in a combination of several. Ester combinations must be done correctly, then the beneficial properties of each oil will be enhanced and not conflict.
To fight wrinkles, essential oils can:
Add organic to special cosmetic bases (night creams, lotions, nourishing masks, etc. ). Literally a few drops of ether are enough to significantly improve the care properties and the anti-aging effect.
Mix with essential oils (macadamia, almond, sesame, rosehip, pomegranate, avocado, wheat germ, grape seed). This is a great remedy to prevent and fight wrinkles. Add cream on top of the mixture or alternate care: day mixture, day cream. Store the mixture in a brown glass bottle.
- You can overcome expression lines by mixing 9 ml of avocado oil, 1 ml of pomegranate seed oil with 1 drop of immortelle, 2 drops of rose or sandalwood and 1 drop of lemon (no lemon in summer). Apply in the evening.
- For deep wrinkles, try another recipe with essential oils. You need to mix 8 ml of jojoba oil, 1 ml of green coffee, 1 ml of primrose, add 1 drop of lemongrass, 1 drop of fennel, 1 drop of clary sage.
- The area around the eyes, and the whole face, will enjoy an exquisite recipe: macadamia 8 ml, wheat germ 1 ml, black currant 1 ml, 1 drop each of rose oil and incense. This is one of the simplest and most effective eyelid formulations at home.
There is a sufficient variety of essential oils that are useful in the fight against wrinkles and slowing down skin aging. It is important to choose the right esters and their combinations to get the best results from your daily facial care. Essential oils, which we described in detail in the article, are suitable for any age.
But remember: in the fight against aging, it is important not only to organize proper facial care, but also to change your daily habits:
- Healthy food,
- take regular walks in the fresh air;
- quit smoking and alcohol;
- exercise;
- drink plenty of water;
- get enough sleep;
- avoid stress.
We wish you to always stay young, beautiful and choose your ideal combination of essential oils to fight wrinkles effectively.